in: DOĞU TÜRKÇESİNDEN BATI TÜRKÇESİNE BİR ÖMÜR: Prof. Dr. Bilâl Yücel ARMAĞANI, Ali Akar,Onur Balci,Ahmet Turan Doğan, Editor, Paradigma Yayınları, Çanakkale, pp.489-528, 2024
This study examines the Chinese equivalents of the IV
Tegzinč section of the Altun Yaruq Sudur text, focusing on a detailed
comparison of the T664 and T665 versions, as well as a comparison between the
T665 Chinese text and the Old Uyghur version. The goal of comparing the T664
and T665 texts is to highlight the similarities and differences in content,
language, and structure between the two Chinese versions. By examining these
aspects, the study aims to shed light on the variations in interpretation or
transmission between the two texts. Furthermore, the comparison between the
T665 Chinese text and the Old Uyghur text seeks to determine the degree of
fidelity maintained by the Uyghur translator in relation to the original
Chinese text. It examines whether the translator adhered strictly to the source
or allowed flexibility in interpretation. Through this comparison, the study
also explores whether the Chinese language influenced the development of
specific Uyghur terms and expressions during the translation process. This
research holds significance not only in revealing the linguistic and semantic
connections between these texts but also in providing insights into the
translation methods used by Uyghur scholars in their adaptation of Chinese
Buddhist texts. It offers a broader understanding of cultural and linguistic
exchanges during the period.