Journal of Energy Systems, vol.2, no.4, pp.224-237, 2018 (Scopus)
In this study the impact of aspect ratio on the aerodynamic performances and flow separation
behavior were investigated on a model wing made up four different profiles used to the wing of
the Boeing 737-Classic aircrafts. The experiments were carried out in a wind tunnel with low
speed at different angles of attack ranging from -4° to 40° and at the 2x105 Reynolds number on
wing models having different aspect ratios (0.7-1.3).
It was observed from the experiments and numerical studies that the changing of the aspect ratio
affected the drag and lift and flow separation. The highest lift/drag ratio has been measured from
the wing having aspect ratio of 1.3 at angle of attack of 7
. Moreover, the airflow was flowed as
laminar in the areas near the middle of the wing until angle of attack of 240
. But, the flow was
disturbed at wing tip due to vortex. The separation bubbles have been seen at 24°-320
for all aspect
ratios. In addition, the increase of angle of attack caused the bubbles form clearly for 1.1 and 1.3
aspect ratios. Finally, the increases in aspect ratio and in angle of attack have been triggered flow