Evaluation of Augmented Reality in Architecture Through SampleApplications

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Akdağ F., Baydoğan M. Ç.

Eurasian Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, cilt.1, ss.42-52, 2017 (Hakemli Dergi)


Today's technologies are constantly evolving and developing and the routines of everyday life are changing and new forms of making and producing are emerging. While computer systems are involved in every aspect of life in different forms, traditional methods leave their place to more up-to-date and technological alternatives. One of the rapidly expanding technological developments of recent periods is the augmented reality. AR can be described as a technology that combines real and virtual objects, and provides simultaneous interaction between them. It creates a feeling of improved and enhanced reality that creates a bridge between the virtual and the real. Although the origins of the AR are based on the middle of the 20th century, this term was coined in the literature in 1992. It is necessary to use virtual and real objects together, to provide real-time interaction, and to align virtual and real objects in three dimensional space in order to form an accurate AR system. AR, which is now used in many areas, is intensively used in the fields of advertising, business, entertainment, education, health and design. AR, although technically a potential technology that can address all senses, is generally used over the most intense visual content. This study examines the properties of the AR and its implications to the field of design through sample applications. It is expected that the work will draw attention to the AR and architecture and contribute to the future works.