Assessing the Alignment of Aviation Management Curriculum with Sustainability Principles: A Comprehensive Proposal

Üzülmez M., Ayvaz E. E.

SELCUK 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES, Konya, Turkey, 13 - 15 December 2024, vol.11, pp.184

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Volume: 11
  • City: Konya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.184
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


The authorization of educational institutions by national civil aviation authorities and the attainment of requisite educational standards are critical for the aviation sector. This study investigates the alignment between the expectations of the aviation industry for aviation management graduates and the curricular content offered by universities. Additionally, a proposed list of courses is presented, designed to enhance the contributions of aviation management training to Article 4.4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By integrating this proposed course list into the existing curriculum, the study aims to refine the course offerings within aviation management departments and produce more qualified graduates. To achieve this, the research first examines a total of 49 courses from aviation management programs, including 12 from international institutions and 37 from Turkish universities, alongside 79 courses and corresponding content relevant to sector education directives. Subsequently, the training needs of aviation enterprises were identified through semi-structured interviews with industry experts. Using descriptive analysis, the study assesses the extent to which university courses comply with sector education directives and presents the proposed course list. Ultimately, this research seeks to cultivate a cohort of more competent aviation management graduates in Turkey and globally, in alignment with the objectives of the United Nations SDGs.