in: Novel Drug Targets with Traditional Herbal Medicines , Fatma Tuğçe Gürağaç Dereli,Mert Ilhan,Tarun Belwal, Editor, Springer, London/Berlin , Geneve, pp.377-387, 2022
Liquidambar orientalis Miller (Anatolian
Sweetgum Tree; Hamamelidaceae), also
called Anatolian sığla (sweetgum), is ecologically and economically important relict
endemic species which primarily is utilized
for its balsam which is used mainly in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The
wood of that tree is used for secondary purposes rather than oil. The oils of sweetgum are
also known as storax that is produced from
pathological wound channels. The resin of L.
orientalis is used as a topical parasiticide,
expectorant, antiseptic, and for stomach ache,
asthma bronchitis, skin diseases, etc.. Many
pharmacological activity studies of sweetgum
oil for these uses have been identifed in the
literature. Also, the chemical content of oil
was elaborated by different chromatographic