Prevalence of Tooth Number Anomalies and Their Distribution by Genders

Kizilci E., Duman B., Demiroglu C., Gumus H.

European Journal of Therapeutics, vol.28, pp.115-119, 2022 (ESCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 28
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Doi Number: 10.54614/eurjther.2021.0061
  • Journal Name: European Journal of Therapeutics
  • Journal Indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.115-119
  • Keywords: hyperdontia, hypodontia, macrodontia, Tooth number anomalies, tooth size anomalies, tooth structural anomalies
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


Objective: This study aims to examine the dental anomalies (tooth number, size, and structural anomalies) in a group of pediatric

dental population and the difference between the genders in terms of the prevalence of these anomalies.

Methods: In this retrospective study, digital orthopantomograms belonging to 5000 patients aged 5-14 years, taken at the

Faculty of Dentistry of Erciyes University were evaluated. Tooth number anomalies (hypodontia, hyperdontia, anodontia, and

mesiodens) and dental pathology (odontoma and cyst-tumor) were evaluated in orthopantomograms. The frequencies of dental

anomalies were compared, and their distribution by gender was examined using descriptive tests and chi-square tests.

Result: Of 5000 patients, 169 (3.38%) had 1 dental anomaly. Of the patients, 137 (81%) had hypodontia, 27 (15.9%) hyperdontia,

6 (3.5%) mesiodens, 2 (1.1%) odontoma, and (1.7%) cysts-tumor-like structures. The prevalence of hypodontia was found to

be higher in girls than in boys (P < .05). There was a difference between the genders in terms of the prevalence of hypodontia

(P < .05). No difference was found between the genders in terms of other dental anomalies (P > .05).

Conclusion: Whether common or rare, dentists should be careful about the presence of dental anomalies while examining their

patients. Detecting these anomalies and performing interventions in the required period is important to prevent complications

that may occur in the future. In this way, psychological, aesthetic, phonational, and physical problems that may occur in the

future lives of children and adolescents can be prevented.