ERCIYES MEDICAL JOURNAL, vol.30, no.3, pp.150-156, 2008 (ESCI)
Purpose: Lead is environmental and/or occupational toxicant. It has been known to induce hematological disturbance during haematopoiesis. However, it has not well known whether it has effects on coagulation system or not. Therefore, we aimed to investigate how coagulation system is affected by the level of elevated blood lead. Material and Methods: Fifty-two occupational lead exposure patients applied with load intoxication symptoms. Blood examples of patients were obtained for lead level, platelet count, in-vitro bleeding time, prothrombine time, partial thromboplastine time (aPTT), fibrinogen, thrombine time, protein C, protein S and antithrombine III. The patients are evaluated according to three groups as mild, moderate and severe. Results: Blood lead levels were mean 71,15 +/- 18,19 mu g/dl. Mean values results of primary and secondary hemostasis and physiological coagulation inhibitors tests were in normal ranges, except fibrinogen degree. Despite mean fibrinogen degree being under normal ranges, statistically significant difference between the groups was not detected. Mean aPTT and protein S degrees were in normal ranges, however, compared with the mild-toxicated group statistically important prolongment in aPTT and reducement in protein S degrees detected in moderate-toxicated group. Conclusion: As a result, although our results need suggestion by in vivo and in vitro studies, it is concluded that haemostatic parameters excluding fibrinogen were not effected by mild and moderate degree elevation of blood lead.