BILIMNAME, sa.2, ss.83-101, 2019 (ESCI)
His full name was Ibrahim b. Nasif b. 'Abdullah b. Nasif b. Janbolad b. Sa'd al-Yaziji al-Himsi, and he was born in Beirut on March 2, 1847. Being born and raised in a family containing many men of letters, he received a good education from his early childhood onwards. After starting to write poetry in his childhood and as a teenager, he gave it up to focus on studies of the Arabic language and literature. The versatility of this person, who can be described as an author, poet, linguist, critic, teacher, journalist, scientist (explorer and astronomer) and artist, was topped by his studies of the Arabic language. al-Yaziji devoted almost his entire life to Arabic and has made significant efforts to resolve the problems encountered in the language, while making comments and recommendations for its correct use and preservation.