In the presented study, harmful effects of doxorubicin on rat testicular tissue were determined and the
protectiveness of thymoquinone and resveratrol have been studied. A total number of 80 male Albino
Wistar rats, including 10 groups and 8 male rats in each group, were used in the study. Experimental
groups were designed as; control, 15 mg/kg doxorubicin (D), 5mg/kg thymoquinone (T5), 20mg/kg
thymoquinone (T20), 5mg/kg resveratrol (R5), 20mg/kg resveratrol (R20), D+T5, D+T20, D+R5
and D+R20. For the sham effect, physiological saline was administered to the control group every
other day by oral gavage. In addition to the applications in the control group, D group recieved
doxorubicin at a dose of 15 mg/kg intraperitoneally (IP) on the 10th day. At the end of the 21th
day, rats euthanised by cervical dislocation method under the anesthesia then samples collected for
pathologic measurements immediately. When the relative testicular weights were evaluated, the
group containing doxorubicin (0.3672) caused a significant decrease compared to the control group
(0.4371%). D+T5 (0.4559%), D+T20 (0.4972%), D+R5 (0.4497%) and D+R20 (0.4845 g) were able
to prevent testicular weight loss caused by doxorubicin. Germinative cell layer thickness in animals
treated with doxorubicine (32.9 µm) decreased considerably compared to the control (59.91 µm). In
the combined groups, D+R5 (58.85 µm) gave the most successful result. When the diameters of the
tubulus seminiferus contortus were considered, it was found that while the average tubulus diameter
of the control group was measured at 308.6 m, it was measured at 232.33 m in the doxorubicine
Although the D+T5 and D+T20 treatments offered some protection against doxorubicin’s harmful
effects, their tubulus diameter values could not match those of the control group. D + R5 (292.59 µm)
and D+R20 (292.55 µm) groups preventing the damaging effect of doxorubicin in terms of tubular
diameter and brought it closer to the average value of the control (p0,05). When the results of the
immunohistochemical analyzes were evaluated, the Bax value was 4.19 in the control group, while
it was quite high in the doxorubicin group (12.37 Although the amount of Bax in all thymoquinone
and resveratrol groups used in combination with doxorubicin was lower than the group in which only
doxorubicin was administered, the D+T5 group gave the best result with 5.75. When the Bcl-2 results
were evaluated, the Bcl-2 value of the doxorubicin group (2.86) was significantly lower than all other
groups. While this value was 17.25 in the control group, D+T5 (18.57), D+T20 (16.36) and D+R20
(18.98) gave similar results to that of control (p>0,05) and gave higher Bcl-2 scores than doxorubicin
administrated group (p<0,05).