Clinical and radiographic evaluation of double teeth in primary dentition and associated anomalies in the permanent successors

AYDINBELGE M., Sekerci A. E., ÇALIŞKAN S., GÜMÜŞ H., Sisman Y., Cantekin K.

NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE, vol.20, no.7, pp.847-851, 2017 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Objective: Understanding potential problems associated with primary double teeth (PDT) are important to provide prophylactic measures, thereby preventing or minimizing possible complications. The purposes of this study were to investigate the prevalence of PDT in a group of Turkish children and to compare the distribution of the different types of double primary teeth and their relationship to permanent successors. Materials and Methods: A total of 17,268 children underwent a clinical examination to determine the presence of PDT. One hundred fifty-two PDT of 128 children were included in this study. All the 128 children with PDT underwent a clinical examination and had photographs taken at the time of the examination. The children underwent a further periapical or panoramic radiographic examination to determine the status of the underlying permanent successors. The PDT was classified according to Aguilo's classification. Results: The prevalence of PDT was 0.74%, with no significant statistical difference between the sexes. PDT was most frequently observed between the mandibular lateral incisors and canines. Of the 152 PDT, 10.7% were Type I, 15.3% were Type II, 26.1% were Type III, and 47.9% were Type IV. Dental anomalies on the succedaneous permanent teeth were diagnosed in 69.4% of the children with affected primary dentition. Aplasia of the permanent lateral incisor was observed most frequently in association with Type I (52.7%) PDT. Caries involvement was observed most frequently in Type III (56.2%) PDT. Conclusion: The findings of this study have clinical relevance for the diagnosis of children with PDT. Early clinical and radiographic identification of PDT can help the clinician to evaluate the number and condition of permanent successors and draw up a proper treatment plan.