SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol.14, no.1, pp.1-21, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)
In this paper, the thin-lm ferroelectric material equation which enables a propagation of soli-
tary polarization in thin-lm ferroelectric materials, and it also can be described using the nonlinear
evolution equations. Ferroelectrics are dielectric materials explain wave propagation nonlinear be-
haviors. Thin lms made from the ferroelectric materials are used in various modern electronics
devices. The Paul-Painleve approach is adopted for the rst time to solve these nonlinear thin-lm
equation analytically. To investigate the characterizations of new waves, the solitary wave dynamics
of the thin-lm ferroelectric material equation are obtained using the standard tan(=2)-expansion
technique and generalized G-expansion method. The bright and periodic solutions are obtained by
semi-inverse variational principle scheme. Many alternative responses are achieved utilizing various
formulaes; each of these solutions is shown by a distinct graph. The validity of such methods and
solutions are demonstrated by assessing how well the relevant techniques and solutions match up.
Three novel analytical and numerical techniques provide new, dependable approaches for determin-
ing and estimating responses. The eect of the free variables on the behavior of reached solutions to
a few of graphs on the exact solutions is also explored depending upon the nature of nonlinearities.
The simulations, which are exhibited in both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D),
depict the behavior of a solitary solution in both the natural and digital worlds. These ndings
demonstrate that this strategy is the most eective way to solve nonlinear mathematical physics