3rd International Information Management Systems Conference (IMSC'16 ), İzmir, Turkey, 6 - 08 October 2016, pp.25-31
Websites which gives the opportunity to the firms to communicate directly with their customers are the visible faces of the firms. Designing a website is important in terms of the its contents, visuality, and ease of use. There is a gap between the designers and the users languages. In order to increase the quality of the websites the gap must be filled. Literature is not enough in the field of the website emotional content analysis. In this research we answer the research question which is “what should be a good entrepreneur website's happiness average value in the unstructured content of the website?” to increase the website quality. We analyze the Forbes[1] 2015 best 100 entrepreneur websites. We extract online relations and emotional valence values of the best entrepreneur firms. Firms could ıse these findings in order to give decisions while designing their website contents.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial web sites, Emotional analysis, Happiness, Natural language processing, Web text mining, Social media
[1] Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/