Aim: To evaluate the multidisciplinary treatment relationship between the Pediatric Dentistry Department and other dentistry departments through consultation request notes. Methods: The consultation request notes of 7292 patients, 3601 girls (%49.6) and 3691 boys (%50.6), who were treated at Erciyes University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry between January 2020 and May 2022, were evaluated retrospectively. Patients were classified according to age, gender, consulted departments, and reasons for consultation. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out using SPSS software and Pearson Chi-Square and Fisher's Exact tests. Results: A total of 6398 (87.7%) patients from the Pediatric Dentistry Department to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, 645 (8.8%) patients from the Orthodontic Department, 233 (3.2%) patients from the Periodontology Department and 16 (0.2%) patients from the Prosthodontic Department what was consulted. A significant relationship was found between the consultation notes sent from Pediatric Dentistry Department to other departments and gender. The most frequent consultation requests sent to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department are tooth extraction due to physiological resorption (n=1966;30.7%) and deep caries (n=1443, 22.6%), respectively. The most frequent consultation requests sent to the Orthodontic Department are tooth position anomalies (n=158;24.5%) and orthodontic evaluation of impacted teeth (n=140;21,7% The most frequent consultation requests sent to the Periodontology Department are scaling/oral hygiene instruction (n=111;47.6%) and frenulum evaluation (n=47; 20.2%), respectively. The most frequent consultation requests sent to the the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry are crown restoration (n=10;62.5%) and prosthetic evaluation in congenital tooth deficiency (n=4;25.0%). Conclusions: The diagnosis and treatment topics that Pediatric Dentistry receives support most frequently from other departments were determined. In this context, strengthening the relationship between the departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics and Periodontology and Pediatric Dentistry plays an important role in treatment planning.