Comparison of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and artificial neural networks for estimation of oxidation parameters of sunflower oil added with some natural byproduct extracts

Karaman S., Ozturk I., YALÇIN H., Kayacier A., Sağdıç O.

JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, vol.92, no.1, pp.49-58, 2012 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


BACKROUND: Apple p omace, o range peel and p otato p eel, which h ave important antioxidative compounds in their structures, are b yproducts obtained from fruit o r vegetable processing. Use of vegetable extracts is p opular and a common technique in the p reservation o f vegetable oils. Utilization o f apple p omace, o range peel and p otato p eel extracts as n atural antioxidant agents in refined sunflower oil during storage in order t o r educe o r r etard o xidation was investigated. All b yproduct extracts were added at 3000 ppm to sunflower oil and diff erent nonlinear models were constructed for t he estimation of oxidation parameters.

RESULTS: Peroxide values of sunflower oil samples containing d ifferent natural extracts were f ound to be lower compared to control sample. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system ( ANFIS) and artificial neural networks (ANN) were used for t he construction o f models that could p redict the o xidation p arameters and were compared to multiple linear regression (MLR) for t he determination o f t he best model with h igh accuracy. It was shown t hat t he ANFIS model with h igh coeffi cient o f determination (R2= 0. 999) performed b etter compared to ANN (R2= 0. 899) and M LR (R2= 0. 636) for t he prediction ofoxidation p arameters

CONCLUSION: Incorporation of diff erent n atural byproduct extracts into sunflower oil p rovided an important retardation in oxidation during storage. Eff ective predictive models were constructed for t he estimation of oxidation p arameters u sing ANFIS and A NN modeling t echniques. These models can b e u sed t o p redict oxidative parameter values.

BACKROUND: Apple pomace, orange peel and potato peel, which have important antioxidative compounds in their structures, are byproducts obtained from fruit or vegetable processing. Use of vegetable extracts is popular and a common technique in the preservation of vegetable oils. Utilization of apple pomace, orange peel and potato peel extracts as natural antioxidant agents in refined sunflower oil during storage in order to reduce or retard oxidation was investigated. All byproduct extracts were added at 3000 ppm to sunflower oil and different nonlinear models were constructed for the estimation of oxidation parameters.