PHYTOPARASITICA, vol.45, no.4, pp.611-618, 2017 (SCI-Expanded)
Use of reduced and no-tillage systems has increased in recent years due to concerns for ecological and economic sustainability of agricultural production. Effective weed control is a serious concern in reduced tillage production. This study was conducted to investigate weed control practices in reduced and no-till maize production. The most effective timing of glyphosate application, either before or after sowing, was investigated in combination with pre-emergence application of acetochlor (840 g a.i/L), post-emergence application of foramsulfuron (22.5 g a.i/L), and two hoeing treatments. The treatments were maintained on the same plots during 2011 and 2012 to evaluate the cumulative effects of the treatments. Main plot treatments consisted of four timings of glyphosate application: 20 or 10 days before sowing, day of sowing, 5 days after sowing, and an untreated control. Sub-plot treatments were: pre- plus post-emergence herbicides, pre-emergence herbicide plus rotary hoeing, post-emergence herbicide plus rotary hoeing, and post-emergence herbicide plus two hoeing treatments (rotary and lister hoe). In the main plots, the lowest weed biomass was produced in glyphosate treatments at sowing and 5 days after sowing; the highest biomass was produced in control plots and in the plots with glyphosate treatments 20 days before sowing. In the sub-plots, the greatest weed biomass was produced in plots with two hoeing treatments (rotary and lister hoe). Glyphosate treatments at sowing and post-emergence herbicide treatment combinations produced the best weed control. Economic analysis revealed that pre-sowing, non-selective herbicide treatments provided a slight increase in net profit. Mechanical hoeing decreased net income due to increased production costs. The highest income was obtained from the pre-emergence plus post-emergence herbicide treatment combinations with no glyphosate.