Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, vol.70, no.3, pp.309-317, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of using whole wheat in choice feeding on performance, egg quality, and income of laying hens. In the study, a total of 160-Hyline W-80 white commercial laying hens aged 28 weeks were divided into four treatment groups and fed for 84 days. The treatment groups were as follows: 1) Control (C, standard commercial laying hen feed), 2) C feed+choice feeding continuously with whole wheat in a separate cup (CW), 3) C feed+weekly intermittent choice feeding with whole wheat in a separate cup (WW), 4) C feed+choice feeding with continuous whole wheat+limestone together in a separate cup (WL). Choice feeding by using whole wheat methods (continuous, weekly intermittent, and with limestone) caused a significant decrease in the live weight change of laying hens (P<0.01), increased feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio compared to the control group (P<0.05). Total egg yield and egg weight were not affected by choice feeding with whole wheat methods (P>0.05). Choice feeding by using whole wheat caused a decrease in total eggshell weight, thickness, shell weight per unit area, and egg yolk color (P<0.01). However, it did not significantly affect the egg shell ratio, surface area, albumen height, and Haugh unit values of eggs (P>0.05). Also, total production costs, egg sales income, and net profit values were similar in all groups (P>0.05). In conclusion, the choice feeding by using whole wheat in laying hens did not affect the performance and economic parameters negatively; however, it caused reductions in some egg quality values.