Evaluation of Trace Metals in Tea Samples from Jeddah and Jazan, Saudi Arabia by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Al-Othman Z. A., YILMAZ E., Sumayli H. M. T., SOYLAK M.

BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY, vol.89, no.6, pp.1216-1219, 2012 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


The Cd, Pb, Mn, Zn, Ni, Co, Fe, Cr and Cu content were determined in various teas available in local markets of Jeddah and Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Concentrations of the trace metals were measured after acid digestion using a flame atomic absorption spectrometer. Validation of the digestion procedure was performed by the analysis of a certified reference material. The cadmium, lead, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, iron, chromium and copper concentrations were found in the range of below the detection limit (BDL)-0.7 mu g/g, BDL-8.7 mu g/g, 48-859 mu g/g, 6.6-120 mu g/g, BDL-16.9 mu g/g, BDL-3.1 mu g/g, 46-348 mu g/g, BDL-4.9 mu g/g and 5.2-21.6 mu g/g respectively. The values found in this study were compared with literature values.