Optimization of Plenum for Control of Boundary Layer-Shock Interaction in Supersonic Inlet

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Türkkahraman Z., Özcan M. E., Alabaş B.



In the developing world, the importance of supersonic flights is increasing day by day, especially in military fields. Since supersonic flights have different physical conditions, different designs are required both in the fuselage structure and in the engine part compared to subsonic aircraft. In these studies, the air inlet performance of jet engines designed for supersonic flights is investigated. A plenum has been added to the air inlet geometry in line with the goal of low flow distortion and high pressure recovery. Then, the optimum plenum geometry design was obtained by applying a two-stage optimization process. In each optimization step, computational fluid dynamics analyses were performed to define the effects of the changes in the geometric dimensions of the plenum design and bleed system on the PR (Pressure Recovery) and FD (Flow Distortion) values. The outcome of the analysis showed that the addition of the plenum and the bleed system improved the performance of the air inlet. The new plenum design that emerged as a result of the optimization processes has positively affected the performance values of the air intake. Analysis results showed higher PR and lower FD results in optimized geometry.