V. INTERNATIONAL TURKIC WORLD CONGRESS ON SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 15 - 17 September 2023, pp.240
alloy (wt.%) was melted by placing it in a graphite crucible under vacuum
atmosphere. The melt of the Al-1.94Mn-5Cu alloy was filled into graphite sample
molds in a hot filling furnace. It was then solidified using a Bridgman type directional
solidification furnace at different growth rates (8.3, 41.6, 166.3 and 978
μm/s) at a constant temperature gradient (7.1 K/mm). Variations of electrical
resistivity [r (W m)] of the obtained samples were measured using a DC
four-point probe system consisting of a Keithley brand multimeter and a power
supply and a muffle furnace in the range of 291.87-590.62 K. The obtained
values were transferred to the graphics program and the variation of the
electrical resistivity with the growth rate and temperature was observed. The
enthalpy of fusion and specific heat for same alloys were determined by means
of differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) from heating trace during the
transformation from solid to liquid.