Turk Pediatri Arsivi, vol.48, no.2, pp.145-151, 2013 (SCI-Expanded)
Aim: This study was conducted to determine problems in lactation and risk factors affecting breastfeeding. Material and Method: This descriptive study was conducted with mothers who had children aged 24-60 months and who presented for any reason to Family Healthcare Centers of two Public Healthcare Centers in Kayseri province. The study was performed with 500 mothers who gave a verbal consent and a questionnaire was used to collect data. Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine Clinical Research Ethics Committee (2011/20) the approval and verbal consent was obtained from the mothers. Results: The mean age of the mothers was 29.8±5.3 years, while the mean age of the children was 35.7±10.0 months. 38,6% of the children were born by cesarean section, 8.8% had low birth weight and their mean breastfeeding period was 17.7±8.0 months. The main breastfeeding problems included painful and cracked nipples (46.0%), inadequate lactating (34.2%), excessive lactating (29.8%), flat or inverted nipples (11.6%), mastitis (9.2%), extreme-fullness of the breast (9.0%) and plugged milk ducts (8.2%). Being housewife, moderate and low income status, caesarean delivery, low birth weight and less than 8 lactations a day were the risk factors for inadequate lactating. A maternal age younger than 25 years old, caesarean delivery, premature delivery, less than 8 lactations a day were the risk factors for painful or cracked nipples. The median exclusive breastfeeding duration and total lactation time of the mothers who had concerns about inadequate lactating were significantly lower than the others. The total lactation time of the mothers who had flat and inverted nipples was also shorter. Conclusions: Lactation problems are observed with a high rate. Awareness of the healthcare professionals and supports given by them may reduce these problems.