On-line preconcentration system for determination of lead in water and sediment samples by flow injection-flame atomic absorption spectrometry

Soylak M., elçi l., AKKAYA Y., doğan m.

ANALYTICAL LETTERS, vol.35, no.3, pp.487-499, 2002 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 35 Issue: 3
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Doi Number: 10.1081/al-120002682
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.487-499
  • Keywords: lead, flow injection, on-line system, 1-nitroso-2-naphthol, sediment, water, SOLID-PHASE EXTRACTION, BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES, TRACE AMOUNTS, METAL-IONS, COPPER, CADMIUM, COLUMN, COPRECIPITATION, ENRICHMENT, ALUMINUM
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


Diaion HP-20 was used for on-line separation/preconcentration and determination of lead by flow injection flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Lead is preconcentrated at pH 9 as its 1-nitroso-2-naphthol (NN) complex onto mini column. The elution step is performed with a stream of 1 M HNO3 at 3.0 ml/min and lead displaced is introduced directly into the nebuliser of flame atomic absorption spectro-meter. The proposed method was successfully applied to the determination of lead in a stream sediment reference material (23.9 +/- 0.12 mug/g certified value: 23.0 mug/g) and natural water samples. The detection limit (3sigma) was 2.0 mug/l for preconcentration at 3.0 ml/min. The recoveries of spike additions to drinking water sample were greater than 95%.