TÜRKİYE ADALET AKADEMİSİ DERGİSİ, no.39, pp.45-82, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Product Liability is a type of strict liability that
gives right to claim compensation for damages
caused by defected products. This type of strict
liability is caused because of producing defected
products. Defected product is not fulfilling the
rightful safety expectations of user or consumer.
Using or consuming defected products can cause
death, injury and/or harm to other goods. Increasing
defected products caused by mass production
exposes the importance of product liability. Product
liability regulated in Turkey for the first time in 2003
in the Code No. 4077 on Protection of Customer Code
with amendment. With this amendment, consumers
have the right to claim damages caused by defected
products. However, the Code No. 4077 on the
Protection of Consumer Code has been repealed by
the Code No. 6502 Protection of Customer Code.
The legislator, desires to regulate product liability
in another code, did not include product liability in
Code No: 6502 Protection of Customer Code. For
these reasons, De Lege Lata Information and De Lege
Ferenda Thoughts on Product Liability in Turkey is
addressed in our study