#include "utf8.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; /*void read_all_lines(const wchar_t *filename) { wifstream wifs; wstring txtline; int c = 0; wifs.open(filename); if(!wifs.is_open()) { wcerr << L"Unable to open file" << endl; return; } // We are going to read an UTF-8 file wifs.imbue(locale(wifs.getloc(), new codecvt_utf8())); while(getline(wifs, txtline)) wcout << ++c << L'\t' << txtline << L'\n'; wcout << endl; } */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { setlocale(LC_ALL, "Turkish"); /* ifstream dosya("vya2016veriler.csv",ios::in); string kelime,a,b,c,d; if(!dosya){ cout <<"hata"; } dosya>>kelime>>a; cout<< kelime ; dosya>>kelime>>a; cout<< kelime ; dosya.close();*/ locale::global(locale("")); if (argc != 2) { cout << "\nUsage: docsample filename\n"; return 0; } const char* test_file_path = argv[1]; // Open the test file (contains UTF-8 encoded text) ifstream fs8(test_file_path); if (!fs8.is_open()) { cout << "Could not open " << test_file_path << endl; return 0; } /* unsigned line_count = 1; string line; // Play with all the lines in the file while (getline(fs8, line)) { // check for invalid utf-8 (for a simple yes/no check, there is also utf8::is_valid function) string::iterator end_it = utf8::find_invalid(line.begin(), line.end()); if (end_it != line.end()) { cout << "Invalid UTF-8 encoding detected at line " << line_count << "\n"; cout << "This part is fine: " << string(line.begin(), end_it) << "\n"; } // Get the line length (at least for the valid part) int length = utf8::distance(line.begin(), end_it); cout << "Length of line " << line_count << " is " << length << "\t"<< "\n"; // Convert it to utf-16 vector utf16line; utf8::utf8to16(line.begin(), end_it, back_inserter(utf16line)); // And back to utf-8 string utf8line; utf8::utf16to8(utf16line.begin(), utf16line.end(), back_inserter(utf8line)); cout<< utf8line; // Confirm that the conversion went OK: if (utf8line != string(line.begin(), end_it)) cout << "Error in UTF-16 conversion at line: " << line_count << "\n"; line_count++; }*/ return 0; }