3rd International Conference on Data, Electronics and Computing (ICDEC-2024)

Etkinlik Kategorisi: Bilimsel Kongre / Sempozyum Organizasyonu

Etkinlik Türü: Konferans

Etkinlik Organizasyonu Yılı: 2024

Katılımcı Sayısı: 160


The 3rd International Conference on Data Electronics and Computing for the year 2024 (ICDEC-2024) will be held during September 18-20, 2024, at Erciyes University, Talas, Kayseri, Turkey. The main objective of ICDEC-2024 is to present scientists' latest research and results related to Electronics and Communications; Image, Video & Signal Processing; Artificial Intelligence and Data Science; Computing, Algorithms and Applications. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates from three different yet intertwined fields, namely electronics, computing and biomedical engineering, with the focus on exchanging new ideas and application experiences face to face to establish business or research relations. It will bring together researchers from academia and industry onto a common platform and help them to develop a comprehensive understanding of the challenges of technological advancements from different viewpoints. This conference will also help foster a healthy and vibrant relationship between academia and industry. More than 50% of the accepted paper will be from outside the Turkey.

Tracks of ICDEC-2024

  • Electronics and Communications

    Circuits, Reliability, and Fault Tolerance, Computer-Aided Design and Verification, Digital Circuits and FPGA based Designs, System Design and Security, VLSI for Applied and Future Computing, Systems & Control, Microwave, Antenna design, Smart antenna, Mobile and Wireless Communication, Optical communications, RF and microwave communications, Green Communications, Wireless Sensor Networks, 4G/5G/Next-generation Network Evolutions, IoT Architectures and protocols, Wireless Adhoc Networks and IoT Networks, Cloud and IoT Networks, QoS Management, Security and privacy in mobile ad hoc Networking

  • Image, Video & Signal Processing

    2D/3D Object Detection and Recognition, Image and Video Analysis, Audio and Acoustic Processing, Document Image Processing and Understanding, Content-based Image Retrieval, Multimodal Fusion, Image & Video Coding and Compression, Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Topology and Geometry, Biomedical image analysis, Bioimage informatics.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

    Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Social Data Analytics, Evolutionary Computing and Optimization, Data Mining & Data Warehousing, Big Data Technologies, Big data security and privacy, Data Modelling and Visualization, Business Analytics, and Bioinformatics.

  • Industrial Engineering

    Power Electronics, Automation and robotics in manufacturing, Information systems

  • Management Information Systems and Marketing analytics

    MIS topics, business analytics, Consumer behavior, Advertising strategies, Customer acquisition prediction